Scope and Sequence Posts
Oct 15, 2024
How the Cold War Shaped STEM Education: What Homeschoolers Should Know
For many years, the public educational system in the United States has strongly prioritized STEM education. What does that mean for homeschoolers?
Jul 29, 2015
Catholic Homeschooling: Preparing Students for the World
Parents want to know what courses will help their children not only know and appreciate their Catholic faith but will also help them defend it when challenged.
May 24, 2015
Homeschool Writing Scope and Sequence
For the 2015/2016 school year, Homeschool Connections has made some slight changes to the titles of all our writing courses. This change was implemented to help parents by making the course titles self explanatory and easier to understand. Below is an explanation of our writing program plus a scope and sequence to help you plan […]
Mar 10, 2015
History Scope and Sequence: Sixth to Twelfth Grade
Parents sometimes ask us about the order in which our courses should be taken. We answer these inquiries by focusing on the needs of that particular family. Based on recent questions from parents, we offer you two different history scopes and sequences here.
Jul 29, 2014
Scope and Sequence: Middle School (Catholic Homeschool)
For an example of a scope and sequence for high school please click here: Scope and Sequence for College-Bound Catholic High School Students. Here is a suggested scope and sequence for our 7th- and 8th-grade Catholic homeschooled students to compliment the above S&S. Remember, this is only our suggestion. You can easily make adjustments to […]
May 14, 2014
Scope and Sequence: Homeschool Writing for Middle and High School
Homeschool Connections’ writing program, Aquinas Writing Advantage, is a complete online program for you and your student. It is designed to help students become skilled writers and be prepared for their futures. Aquinas Writing Advantage graduates are ready for college and beyond. Parents often asked us, “Where do I start?” To answer that question, we […]
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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