Reading Posts
Jan 28, 2025
Lost in the Scroll: Homeschooling Reading Comprehension
Help your children recognize things like implicit messages, context clues, and how to "read between the lines." In other words, equip them with literary skills that help them understand the many different ways a piece of writing can speak to us.
Sep 10, 2024
Curating Your Homeschool Library: 7 Must-Have Book Types
Is there any ideal composition for how our home libraries should look? Here is a list of seven book categories you can use to create a well-balanced collection for your children's reading pleasure.
May 07, 2024
5 Strategies for Building Strong Reading Habits
In an age when we are bombarded with a flood of information, building sound reading skills has never been so important.
Feb 23, 2024
Library Resources for Homeschoolers
Libraries are just as helpful today as they ever were! Let's explore several ways you can utilize your public library to access services and resources for the benefit of your homeschool or co-op.
Feb 12, 2024
Why Dads Should Read to Their Children
Is it important for fathers to read to their children? What are the special benefits associated with this? What does the research say?
Oct 24, 2023
8 Tips: Homeschooling Reading Comprehension
Comprehension is an essential part of the reading process, but it is often neglected in reading education.
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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