Reading Lists Posts
May 13, 2011

Free Kindle App and Books for Your Homeschool

Whether you own a Kindle, Nook or other e-reader there is a plethora of free books available to you. You don’t even have to buy the e-reader as both Kindle and Nook offer free applications for other electronic devices such as your PC, Mac or Blackberry. Just click on the image down below to download […]
Mar 18, 2011

Children’s Books Translated to Latin

There are a good number of children's books translated into Latin. From Dr. Seuss to Winnie the Pooh and beyond, you can put your Latin translation skills to use in a fun and engaging way.
Dec 02, 2010

Ancient Greece Reading List for Middle School

If you also enjoyed learning about the Ancient Greeks and would like to keep learning, here is a reading list with some great books on the subject (compliments of For the Love of Literature). You should be able to find most on your public library’s shelf or through inter-library loan.
Sep 04, 2010

Free e-Books Online

I’ve been considering a Kindle for some time now. However, I love books. Not just the words but the whole experience of holding a book. The smell. The feel. I’ve gone back and forth and, now, I am finally ready to make the jump. Here at Homeschool Connections, we use a lot of classic books […]
Sep 01, 2010

Reading List: Middle School: Ancient Greece

One thing we strive to do at Homeschool Connections is help parents give their children a quality education at home without breaking their bank. We are always mindful, as parents ourselves, of the importance of providing our children with the best of the best but at the same time we all have a fiscal responsibility […]
Aug 26, 2010

Catholic Middle Ages Reading List

A student could earn an honor's credit by supplementing two to three of these books (depending upon the difficulty of the work) and then presenting written and oral reports to the parent. 

Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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