Reading Lists Posts
Feb 20, 2018

The Ultimate List of Family Read Alouds

Choosing books to read aloud when all of your children are under six is easy. It gets complicated when you have children from preschool to high school.
Dec 06, 2017

16 Easy Chapter Books to Encourage Emerging Readers

I've written a few booklists recently that went viral. Booklists of read alouds for young boys and girls. But what about books children can read on their own? Chapter books that make them feel a little more grown up?
Dec 01, 2017

Advent and Christmas Read Alouds for the Whole Family

I've put together a list of favorite Advent and Christmas books to help you and yours celebrate the season through read-aloud time.
Aug 12, 2017

Middle East Reading List for Catholic Homeschoolers

The Middle East is not only an interesting study, it's an important study. We've put together a reading list for you that includes fiction and nonfiction for students of multiple ages.
Aug 05, 2017

12 Classics to Read Before College

There are literally hundreds of classics which would feed our teens soul. Here's a short list to get you started.
Sep 14, 2016

10 Books to Read Instead of Watching Political Commercials

But this year is different. I've been avoiding political discussions as much as possible. I've even vowed to keep political posts off my personal Facebook page.

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Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

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Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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