Reading Lists Posts
Aug 05, 2024

The Ultimate Fairy Tale Reading List

Fairy tales are for everyone! In the third article of Christian Ohnimus's Fairy Tale Series, discover reviews of 30 enchanting fairy tale books for all ages, from children to adults. From simple picture books to mature tales, there's something magical for everyone to enjoy.
Jul 05, 2024

Learning Science Through Biography

If your child struggles with science, try introducing them to it through the backdoor of literature. You may be surprised how much easier it becomes for them!
May 06, 2024

5 Summer Family Read Alouds

This school year may be drawing to an end, but that doesn’t mean our kids have to stop learning. Part of raising lifelong learners means constantly finding books that teach valuable lessons and that our kids will actually want to read
Oct 20, 2023

5 Adult Novels for Catholic Homeschoolers

Too often, homeschool parents are so busy reading children's books that they don't take time for their own literary enrichment.
Sep 05, 2023

High School Must-Reads for Medieval Literature

The culture of the Middle Ages provides a rich treasure trove of literature soaked in Christian themes ideal for a Catholic homeschool. In this post,
Mar 06, 2023

Mr. Campbell’s Five Favorite Kids’ Books

These works all captured my imagination in their own way and have stuck with me over the years.  What about you?

Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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