Organization Posts
Aug 10, 2022
Incorporating Homeschool Connections Classes into Your Co-Op
Many Homeschool Connections families participate in homeschooling co-ops, where groups of families gather together to homeschool communally. If you are participating in a homeschool cooperative, what is the best way to incorporate Homeschool Connections' online classes into that co-op setting?
Aug 08, 2022
Homeschool Record Keeping As You Go
How to keep detailed homeschool records to provide proof of education as well as help you assess your child's progress.
May 15, 2021
Life as a Junk Drawer: Homeschool Organization
Is your homeschool organization like a junk drawer? Is everything is unorganized? Everything useless? Nothing working? Here's easy help for you today!
Nov 02, 2016
To Copy or Not to Copy: That is the Question
The more my friend justified making the copy for me, the more I realized that it was wrong. When I got home, I threw the dubbed tape away.
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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