Mom Connections Posts
Jun 29, 2017
Can I Be a WAHM and Homeschool?
As a homeschooler and full-time WAHM, I hope I can share my own experience to help other moms in the same boat.
Nov 26, 2016
Small Business Saturday for Catholic Homeschoolers
Nearly 40 years ago, economist EF Schumacher published Small is Beautiful. It criticized gigantism. It criticized big. In short, Schumacher suggested we need to downsize and reorganize how we make products and how we live. I like to support small businesses whenever possible. My vocation as a Catholic homeschooler has been largely supported (and blessed) […]
Oct 05, 2016
The Ultimate Gift Guide for Homeschool Moms
Following is a long, long list of ideas to get you started. Gifts range from free (scroll all the way down) to pricey. So no matter your budget you can do this. The only other thing you need is time and desire.
Sep 14, 2016
10 Books to Read Instead of Watching Political Commercials
But this year is different. I've been avoiding political discussions as much as possible. I've even vowed to keep political posts off my personal Facebook page.
Jun 01, 2015
Catholic Homeschooling on Pinterest
Our mission at Homeschool Connections goes beyond providing online classes for Catholic homeschooling families. We are always looking for ways to help parents as the primary educators of their children in addition to our courses.
Mar 31, 2015
Top Ten: Catholic Homeschooling on Pinterest
I love Pinterest. When people describe it as nothing more than a "time sucker", I'm perplexed. Used correctly, it is a great time saver. It can be used to save recipes, home repair ideas, academic articles, Catholic apologetics information, and so much more.
For our purposes here, I'd like to share how Pinterest can save you time and improve your homeschool. I also include a Top-10 List of Catholic Homeschool Pinners at the end.
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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