How to Start Homeschooling Posts
Jul 27, 2023
The Most Important Ingredient in a Successful Homeschool….
Without this one thing, your homeschooling will be fraught with difficulties.
May 19, 2023
This is Why Homeschooling Takes Less Time
Don't think in terms of "How long is the school day?" Rather, think about time on task.
May 09, 2023
Homeschooling and the Optimal Amount of Homework?
The concept of "homework" might seem a little redundant if you are a home educator. After all, if you are doing school at home, then by definition all school work is "homework."
May 08, 2023
9 Things Homeschoolers Need to Unlearn
As we gain homeschool experience, we often divest ourselves of preconceived notions. We find that many accepted educational standards are unpractical or even detrimental in a homeschool setting.
Jan 24, 2023
Homeschool Options: À La Carte vs. Boxed Program
If you are new to homeschooling, it is important to realize your options and not feel bound by the programmatic approach you are accustomed to from institutional schools.
Jan 09, 2023
Homeschool Discipline: Fundamental Help
Homeschooling is a long term game. We homeschool because, ultimately, we want our children to become motivated learners. This depends upon developing sound educational habits.
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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