Homeschool Tips and Support Posts
Jan 01, 2024
8 New Years’ Resolutions for Homeschoolers
The turning of the year is a time when we reflect on our lives and make resolutions about positive changes we'd like to make in the coming year. For homeschoolers, self-reflection on our homeschooling is integral to successful home education.
Sep 19, 2023
Educational Fair Use and Homeschooling
Have you ever wanted to photocopy a few pages out of a teacher's manual to use at home with your kids but wondered if doing so was ethical? Or wanted to scan a chapter from a work of literature to share with your co-op students but weren't sure if doing so violated any copyrights?
Sep 08, 2023
8 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Library
As a homeschooling parent, your local library can be one of your most valuable resources.
May 19, 2023
This is Why Homeschooling Takes Less Time
Don't think in terms of "How long is the school day?" Rather, think about time on task.
May 09, 2023
Homeschooling and the Optimal Amount of Homework?
The concept of "homework" might seem a little redundant if you are a home educator. After all, if you are doing school at home, then by definition all school work is "homework."
Mar 28, 2023
What Homeschooling is NOT
Pandemic schooling was not homeschooling. Let's bust some myths...
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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