Homeschool Socialization Posts
Aug 13, 2024
Homeschool Socialization: Current Research
Both studies concluded that homeschooled children, in general, could be considered well-socialized by any objective standards. I'm sure this isn't news to most homeschool families. We've known all along that the socialization protest is just a boogeyman. Still, it is nice to see our experiences backed up, once again, by the research.
Jul 29, 2024
Cultivating Wonder in Our Homeschools
Wonder is a kind of surprise mingled with curiosity, which gives birth to a desire to learn. All advancement in human knowledge derives from this primal sense of wonder.
Oct 27, 2023
Public School vs. Homeschool Socialization
Let's explore why equating healthy socialization with the public school experience is incorrect and why homeschoolers can be confident about their decision to take on their children's education.
Jun 16, 2021
The Real Socialization Issue: Catholic Homeschooling
There is a reason you hear homeschoolers explain and defend themselves about socialization. It is that everybody presumes that site-based schools set the standard for how to be socialized. Supposedly, the mere fact of being physically surrounded by a group of kids your own age gives you several social advantages.
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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