History Posts
Nov 15, 2022

Reading Your Way Through World History: Ancient Times

History need not be taught through history textbooks alone. Literature can provide an engaging and memorable opening to the world of history!
Oct 06, 2022

Seven Books That Made Me Fall in Love with History

Here is my personal reading list of history books to help you forget about those drab history classes of your childhood and find a true appreciation for the story of human civilization.
Aug 14, 2022

Four Reasons to Take “History of Byzantium” in Your Catholic Homeschool

Mr. Campbill is teaching "History of Byzantium" this semester. This Catholic homeschool course covers the fortunes of the Byzantine Empire from the 5th century up until its final collapse in 1453 at the hands of the Ottoman Turks.
Jun 09, 2022

The Power of Narrative History in Your Catholic Homeschool

How to get your kids excited about learning history!
Jun 01, 2022

Learning Latin American History

When most people talk about American history, they are referring to the history of the United States. But America is bigger than just our country or even our continent!
Apr 19, 2022

Why Learn the History of Japan?

The History of Japan will trace the development of the Japanese nation and culture from remote antiquity to the modern age. Students will learn about the cultural and political development of the Japanese nation, as well as notable persons, battles, and events that were instrumental to the formation of Japan.

Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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