Courses Posts
Jun 26, 2017

Top-Ten: Why Learn Coding in High School (and … get college credit to boot)

Top-10 Reasons: Why You Should Sign-up for AP Computer Science Principles  By Margaret (Peggy) Morrow, Ph.D.   Homeschool Connections is offering a brand new AP-level Computer Science course in the upcoming school year. We hope you’ll consider joining us!  To Help You Discern God’s Will. According to Bishop Barron’s recent eBook, How to Discern God’s Will For […]
Jul 22, 2016

Why Should My Homeschooled Child Learn Philosophy in High School?

Note: Dr. Rioux is teaching ST. THOMAS ON THE HUMAN PERSON for Homeschool Connections in the Fall 2016 semester. Dr. Rioux also offers several outstanding philosophy and logic courses through our Unlimited Access program.    This article is an excerpt from the book Why Should I Learn This. To order click here: Paperback eBook   Why […]
May 25, 2016

Top 10: Online Classes This Summer for Catholic Students

Top Ten List Using Unlimited Access for Summer Learning No matter where your children go to school in the fall and spring, you are welcomed to take classes with Homeschool Connections this summer. Whether you want your children to get a Catholic perspective in certain subjects, receive some remedial help in an area, or take […]
May 13, 2016

Why Learn ASL? A Top-10 List

  1. It is a beautiful language. There is more to American Sign Language than simply memorizing signs for words. It has it’s own set of grammatical rules and structures. If you’ve watched an interpreter at a concert or a church, remember how you were intrigued by the hand and body movements to communicate without […]
Apr 01, 2016

Finishing Up the School Year and Filling in the Blanks

We recently received a request from a homeschool mom asking us to offer short 4- to 6-week recorded courses. She was looking for a way to help her fill in some homeschooling holes between April and June. The good news is that we were able to help immediately as we already have a great slate of such short courses.
Nov 06, 2015

Why High School Students Need Punctuation and Grammar Classes

Correct punctuation and grammar help others to fully understand us. If you want to do well in school and your job, then mastering punctuation and grammar is critical.

Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

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Good Counsel Careers

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