Consulting / Coaching Posts
Jan 09, 2024
Options for Homeschool Consulting and Support
No matter how well you prepare for homeschooling, there will be times when you feel overwhelmed. Here is a list of Catholic homeschool consultants, mentors, and coaches to help you.
Sep 17, 2021
Ode to My Planner Book
How do you get structure if you assemble your own curriculum? It doesn’t happen by magic. You have to make it yourself. I couldn’t do it without my trusty daily planner.
Aug 12, 2021
Getting Ready for the Homeschool Year
It's back-to-school season, again! Let's ramp things up and get you ready for the best school year ever!
Jun 16, 2021
The Real Socialization Issue: Catholic Homeschooling
There is a reason you hear homeschoolers explain and defend themselves about socialization. It is that everybody presumes that site-based schools set the standard for how to be socialized. Supposedly, the mere fact of being physically surrounded by a group of kids your own age gives you several social advantages.
May 15, 2021
Life as a Junk Drawer: Homeschool Organization
Is your homeschool organization like a junk drawer? Is everything is unorganized? Everything useless? Nothing working? Here's easy help for you today!
May 06, 2019
Do I Need a Homeschool Consultant?
Demand for Homeschool Coaches Sign of the Times by Krista Thomas When homeschool mom Lindsay Whitlock wanted sound advice for how to better plan for her 16-year-old sophomore son’s educational future, she turned to a homeschool coach. That kind of navigation will ultimately “fill in the gaps,” the Gettysburg mother said. “Homeschool coaching […]
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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