Classical Education Posts
Jun 18, 2020

Bare Minimum Book List for High School

Here is my lamentably incomplete reading list for raising virtuous high schoolers in 100 (or so!) books.
Aug 05, 2017

12 Classics to Read Before College

There are literally hundreds of classics which would feed our teens soul. Here's a short list to get you started.
Aug 18, 2016

Why Teach Formal Logic in Your Homeschool?

Note: Dr. Gotcher offers several outstanding logic and literature courses through Homeschool Connections’ Unlimited Access program.  This article is an excerpt from the book Why Should I Learn This. To order click here: Paperback eBook Why Should I Learn Formal Logic? Robert F. Gotcher, Ph.D. Introduction My seven-year old and his friend from next door are […]
Apr 29, 2016

Why Should I Learn Latin

What would you do if your Latin instructor said that she would personally  beat you up with her  own  baculum (stick) if you didn’t study enough?
Apr 10, 2015

Online Catholic Classical Education Courses

The Trivium is a time-proven method for educating children. It is a model that recognizes God's design and how He created children to learn. For this reason, Homeschool Connections has created engaging, online classes that are classical in nature and also raise students' hearts to God. Homeschool Connections currently offers middle school (logic stage) and high school (rhetoric stage) courses. Grammar school courses are in the planning process. 

Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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