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Mar 14, 2025
Homeschool Snack Hacks: 4 Genius Ways to Keep Kids Happy & Healthy
I love seeing my kids create snack plates (mini charcuterie boards) and help their little sister explore healthy food options!
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Aug 29, 2013
Race with the Devil by Joseph Pearce
He was a racist. He was a jailed revolutionary. Then something happened. Truth found its way into his cell. Truth found its way into his heart.
Aug 27, 2013
Making Sense of Mary by Gary Michuta
UPDATE: Mr. Michute teaches a high school course on this book. It is currently available as a recorded, self-paced course through our Unlimited Access program. You can learn more here: Catholic Homeschooling. We invite you to call or email us if you have questions or need assistance: Homeschool Connections. Gary Michuta, Catholic apologist and HSC instructor, […]
Aug 14, 2013
Why Should My Child Learn American Sign Language?
Top Ten List Why Learn ASL? 1. It is a beautiful language. There is more to American Sign Language than simply memorizing signs for words. It has it’s own set of grammatical rules and structures. If you’ve watched an interpreter at a concert or a church, remember how you were intrigued by the hand and […]
May 13, 2013
Attaining the Necessary Skills for Success in College
In college, your student will encounter many new ideas and assumptions. We want to give your student the necessary tools to recognize and understand the worldviews they encounter and know-how to articulate their own beliefs effectively and convincingly.
May 11, 2013
Pre-K to 8th Grade Curriculum: Mater Amabilis (Free!) for Catholic Homeschoolers
UPDATE: Homeschool Connections now offers a Charlotte Mason style grade school program for 3rd to 6th grade. For pre-k to 2nd grade we recommend a relaxed, eclectic curriculum or Mater Amabilis. Homeschool Connections specializes in online education for middle and high school students. The classes offered for middle school are fewer in number than the […]
May 01, 2013
Do Homeschool Programs Need to Be Accredited?
FAQ: Accreditation and Homeschool Connections Q. What is accreditation? • Accreditation is a voluntary process, performed by private, nongovernmental agencies. • There is no central control or authority. • There are good accrediting agencies and bad ones. • One accrediting organization is not legally designated as being superior over another. Q. What does accreditation […]
Apr 30, 2013
Tips: Using Online Classes for Summer
Top Ten List Using Unlimited Access for Summer Learning There are a lot of different ways you can use Homeschool Connections’ recorded classes (aka Unlimited Access) to keep learning alive and fun over the summer. Here are ten ideas to get you started. 10. Take school with you. We’ve had students take classes from […]
Feb 09, 2013
Religion and American Politics
Excellent supplemental reading list for Catholic homeschool students studying American government.
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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