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Mar 14, 2025
Homeschool Snack Hacks: 4 Genius Ways to Keep Kids Happy & Healthy
I love seeing my kids create snack plates (mini charcuterie boards) and help their little sister explore healthy food options!
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Feb 17, 2015
Homeschool Planning: Reviewing Last Year
Before beginning to plan the next school year, it's important to first review the current year. Here is a form to help you reflect on your successes and failures...
Feb 14, 2015
Top-10 Tips for Homeschool Planning for High School
To help you successfully plan the school year, here are the planning basics along with a free planning form.
Jan 14, 2015
New Catholic Homeschooling Book
Why Should I Learn This is a compilation of essays written by a wide variety of authors, much like my previous books A Catholic Homeschool Treasury and The Catholic Homeschool Companion. It includes great authors such as Joseph Pearce, Mike Aquilina, Carol Reynolds, Mary Ellen Barrett, Gray Michuta, Monica Ashour, and so, so many more.
Nov 13, 2014
A Reading List: Math and Living Literature
"I hate math!!!" Have you ever heard this from one of your children? We want to introduce you to a new idea -- Math Appreciation!
Jul 29, 2014
Scope and Sequence: Middle School (Catholic Homeschool)
For an example of a scope and sequence for high school please click here: Scope and Sequence for College-Bound Catholic High School Students. Here is a suggested scope and sequence for our 7th- and 8th-grade Catholic homeschooled students to compliment the above S&S. Remember, this is only our suggestion. You can easily make adjustments to […]
May 14, 2014
Scope and Sequence: Homeschool Writing for Middle and High School
Homeschool Connections’ writing program, Aquinas Writing Advantage, is a complete online program for you and your student. It is designed to help students become skilled writers and be prepared for their futures. Aquinas Writing Advantage graduates are ready for college and beyond. Parents often asked us, “Where do I start?” To answer that question, we […]
Jan 18, 2014
Russian History: Reading List Pre-K to Adult
If you’re also interested in Russian history, we would like to share the following book list with you.
Sep 23, 2013
Common Core Explained in 30 Minutes (or so)
"Does Homeschool Connections plan to change their curriculum to align with the Common Core standards?" No.
Sep 17, 2013
High School Scope and Sequence: Catholic Homeschooling
Below is a very basic scope and sequence for high school. It is followed by a more detailed scope and sequence using Homeschool Connections online courses. Basic Scope and Sequence for the College-Bound High School Student GRADE 9 Theology Ancient Literature Ancient History Grammar and Composition Algebra I Earth Science or Physical Science Latin I […]
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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