Featured Blog Post
Mar 14, 2025

Homeschool Snack Hacks: 4 Genius Ways to Keep Kids Happy & Healthy

I love seeing my kids create snack plates (mini charcuterie boards) and help their little sister explore healthy food options!
More Recent Posts
Dec 15, 2021

Are you working too much at Christmas? Here’s how to let go.

Here is what I really want for Christmas - to honor Our Lord's birth, have fun with family and friends, and take a break from work. Let me guess - you want that too.
Nov 15, 2021

Spring Planning: Preempt Winter Burnout

When doing your homeschool planning for the spring, remember that your spring semester actually begins in the dead of winter. Plan to preempt winter burnout...
Oct 22, 2021

Real Life Learning and Catholic Homeschooling

Long ago, a homeschool friend drove across the country to a family event and returned to say she was terribly behind in school. I was puzzled. “But your kids saw the country! That’s school!”
Sep 17, 2021

Ode to My Planner Book

How do you get structure if you assemble your own curriculum? It doesn’t happen by magic. You have to make it yourself. I couldn’t do it without my trusty daily planner.
Aug 12, 2021

Getting Ready for the Homeschool Year

It's back-to-school season, again! Let's ramp things up and get you ready for the best school year ever!
Jul 26, 2021

Homeschool Connections wins another award

Homeschool Connections is humbled to have won the Homeschool.com 10th Annual Catholic Homeschooling Curriculum Award.
Jul 17, 2021

Everything You Never Wanted to Know about Homeschool Record Keeping

Here are the basics of homeschool record-keeping in an easy-to-read FAQ format.
Jun 16, 2021

The Real Socialization Issue: Catholic Homeschooling

There is a reason you hear homeschoolers explain and defend themselves about socialization. It is that everybody presumes that site-based schools set the standard for how to be socialized. Supposedly, the mere fact of being physically surrounded by a group of kids your own age gives you several social advantages.
Jun 09, 2021

Episode 86: Making Learning Fun & Natural Over the Summer

Summer vacation. Finally, the learning is done. Or is it? Everybody sure needs a break, but Maureen Wittmann is here to tell us that the learning can be incredibly fun and refreshing for the whole family. She’s here to tell us about Making Learning Fun & Natural Over the Summer! Find Maureen Wittmann at https://HomeschoolConnections.com […]
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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Homeschooling can seem daunting at first, but take it from us: The joy and freedom you gain from homeschooling far outweighs the challenges.

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