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Sep 20, 2024

Homeschool Connections Isn’t Just for Homeschoolers!

There are many ways you can utilize Homeschool Connections even if you're not a home educator. We are here for anyone who needs educational assistance.
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Feb 27, 2023

How to Have a Meaningful Lent

May we all make this journey through the shadows with a thankful faith in the coming dawn we trust awaits us on Easter morning.
Feb 24, 2023

A Letter to a Homeschool Dad (a letter to myself)

Your wife is tired and needs some rest and a chance to recover. She also needs help. She needs your support.
Feb 21, 2023

Book Review: Africa and the Early Church (Catholic Black History)

I recommend this book highly. It will help you fill out your knowledge about one of Catholicism's most ancient homelands.
Feb 20, 2023

How to Address Racism in U.S. History Lessons

America's history of racial discrimination can be a challenging topic to deal with in our Catholic homeschools.
Feb 16, 2023

College Prep Tips for Homeschoolers: It’s Not Just About Academics

Here is one important skillset needed before going away to college. A professor provides her insights to help Catholic homeschool parents prepare their teens for life after high school. Parents often want to know what they can do to prepare their children for college. Homeschool parents tend to be primarily concerned if they are doing […]
Feb 14, 2023

Book Review: A Weed is a Flower by Aliki (Black History)

Aliki's book primarily focuses on Carver's scientific importance, highlighting his unquenchable curiosity as the font of his intellectual achievements.
Feb 13, 2023

Book Review: A Saint in the Slave Trade (Black Catholic History)

St. Peter Claver would enter the crowded, filthy cabins to minister to the human cargo therein, bringing them food, water, clothing, or anything else they needed. He also visited the plantations where the slaves worked.
Feb 06, 2023

Book Reviews for Black History Month: Catholic Homeschooling

Today, I review three children's books, each with a different audience and vastly different themes.
Feb 02, 2023

Secret Angel to the Poor (Catholic Black History)

Julia had a special devotion to the Sacred Heart and was a daily Mass-goer. After the death of her employers, she decided to devote her remaining days to charity.
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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