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Sep 20, 2024

Homeschool Connections Isn’t Just for Homeschoolers!

There are many ways you can utilize Homeschool Connections even if you're not a home educator. We are here for anyone who needs educational assistance.
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Sep 08, 2023

8 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Library

As a homeschooling parent, your local library can be one of your most valuable resources.
Sep 05, 2023

High School Must-Reads for Medieval Literature

The culture of the Middle Ages provides a rich treasure trove of literature soaked in Christian themes ideal for a Catholic homeschool. In this post,
Aug 31, 2023

Why Learn German in Our Homeschools

Overall, learning German can provide homeschooled high school students with many personal, academic, and professional benefits.
Aug 29, 2023

Book Review: Mike Aquilina’s “Fathers of the Faith” Series

The Fathers of the Faith series often presents complex material in a "digestible" manner. It is perfect for a high school theology study.
Aug 28, 2023

The Truth About Homeschoolers and Pajamas

Do homeschoolers really do school in their pajamas? What's the deal here? Is there anything to this stereotype, or is it just an urban legend? Today, we are going to get to the bottom of this.
Aug 24, 2023

A New Irish History Textbook is in the Works…

Why write a history textbook on Ireland? The real question is, why not Ireland?
Aug 23, 2023

Four Tips to Improve Homeschool Grades

There's a lot more to getting good grades than merely knowing the content.
Jul 31, 2023

Gap Year for Homeschoolers

A gap year is an increasingly popular option among homeschool families. Here's why...
Jul 27, 2023

The Most Important Ingredient in a Successful Homeschool….

Without this one thing, your homeschooling will be fraught with difficulties.
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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Homeschooling can seem daunting at first, but take it from us: The joy and freedom you gain from homeschooling far outweighs the challenges.

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