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Sep 20, 2024

Homeschool Connections Isn’t Just for Homeschoolers!

There are many ways you can utilize Homeschool Connections even if you're not a home educator. We are here for anyone who needs educational assistance.
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Dec 04, 2023

Four Lost Academic Skills

Today's students' struggle with skills that were once considered standard. Here are tips to help recognize and teach these lost skills.
Nov 14, 2023

Catholic Science Fiction: A Canticle for Leibowitz

I did some research on the book before cracking it open, and sure enough, Miller's A Canticle for Leibowitz was not only considered a Catholic classic but also one of the greatest novels in the entire science fiction genre.
Nov 13, 2023

Is Everything You Know About Learning Styles Wrong?

Have you ever heard about the concept of "learning styles"? This educational theory was developed in the 1980s by Neil Fleming, a New Zealand educationalist.
Nov 10, 2023

Homeschooling Your Grandchildren

With so many families homeschooling, we are also seeing the rise in a relatively new social phenomenon—homeschooling grandparents.
Nov 07, 2023

Foreign Language and Higher SAT Scores

We’ve all heard that studying foreign languages is good for a child's cognitive development and linguistic skills. But did you know that learning a foreign language can significantly increase SAT and ACT scores?
Nov 06, 2023

What are the Liberal Arts?

I learned that the liberal arts were central to a good Catholic education. The only problem was... I had no idea what it meant!
Oct 31, 2023

Homeschooling Nature Studies

Whenever a new baby comes into our lives, formal academics are put aside for six to eight weeks. However, learning is never set aside.
Oct 30, 2023

Learn About Ancient Monuments with Mr. Campbell!

I wondered how stone age people could have constructed such a massive structure—how, without modern technology, did they hue such massive stones out of the rock, drag them into place, position them, and lift them on top of one another?
Oct 27, 2023

Public School vs. Homeschool Socialization

Let's explore why equating healthy socialization with the public school experience is incorrect and why homeschoolers can be confident about their decision to take on their children's education.
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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Homeschooling can seem daunting at first, but take it from us: The joy and freedom you gain from homeschooling far outweighs the challenges.

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