Catholic homeschool mom praying

Balancing Spiritual Life as a Busy Catholic Homeschool Mom

How do I make time for Scripture, devotions, and my spiritual life in general if I’m a busy homeschool mom?!

Being a homeschool mom is a full-time job. It’s a beautiful vocation filled with moments of joy, learning, and growth, but it can also be incredibly demanding. Amidst lesson plans, household chores, and endless activities, finding time for Scripture, devotions, and nurturing your spiritual life can seem daunting. Here are some practical tips to help you integrate your faith into your daily routine.

1. Start Your Day with Prayer

Begin your day by dedicating it to God. Even a short morning offering can set the tone for your day. Consider a simple prayer like, “Lord, I offer you this day, all my works, joys, and sufferings. May everything I do be for your glory.”

2. Incorporate Scripture into Your Routine

Find pockets of time in your day to read the Bible. This could be during breakfast, while your children are working independently, or during nap time. Apps like Laudate offer daily readings and meditations, making it easier to access Scripture on the go.

3. Involve Your Children

Turn your devotion time into a family activity. Read a Bible story together, pray the Rosary, or say the Divine Mercy Chaplet. This not only enriches your spiritual life but also sets a strong foundation for your children’s faith.

4. Create a Sacred Space

Designate a small area in your home for prayer and reflection. A quiet corner with a crucifix, a Bible, and some candles can become your sanctuary. When you enter this space, let it be a reminder to pause and connect with God.

5. Use Technology Wisely

Leverage technology to stay spiritually connected. Subscribe to Catholic podcasts, listen to spiritual audiobooks, or follow online retreats. These resources can be consumed while doing household chores, driving, or during other routine tasks.

6. Prioritize Spiritual Nourishment

Make spiritual nourishment a priority by scheduling it into your day just like any other important task. Set a specific time for prayer, Scripture reading, or attending Mass. Consistency will help in making it a habit.

7. Seek Community Support

Join a local or online Catholic homeschooling group. Sharing your journey with like-minded moms can provide support, encouragement, and new ideas for integrating faith into daily life.

8. Embrace the Sacraments

Regular participation in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation, is vital for spiritual growth. Plan your week to include Sunday Mass as a family, and if possible, attend daily Mass or Adoration whenever you can.

9. Be Gentle with Yourself

Remember, perfection is not the goal—faithfulness is. If you miss a day or a week, don’t be discouraged. God’s grace is abundant, and every small effort you make is precious in His eyes.

10. Reflect on Your Day

End your day with a brief examination of conscience and night prayer. Reflect on where you saw God’s presence throughout the day and thank Him for His blessings. This practice can bring peace and closure to your busy day.


Balancing homeschooling and a vibrant spiritual life is challenging but achievable. By weaving prayer and Scripture into the fabric of your daily routine, involving your children, and seeking support from your community, you can nurture your soul and grow closer to God. Remember, your efforts to prioritize your spiritual life amidst the busyness of homeschooling are a powerful witness to your family and a testament to your faith.

What are your thoughts on this topic? I invite you to join other homeschooling parents at the Homeschool Connections Community or Facebook group to continue the discussion!

Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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