
Maureen Wittmann Posts

Dec 06, 2017

16 Easy Chapter Books to Encourage Emerging Readers

I've written a few booklists recently that went viral. Booklists of read alouds for young boys and girls. But what about books children can read on their own? Chapter books that make them feel a little more grown up?
Dec 01, 2017

Advent and Christmas Read Alouds for the Whole Family

I've put together a list of favorite Advent and Christmas books to help you and yours celebrate the season through read-aloud time.
Nov 29, 2017

How to Read Aloud: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

It sounds so easy: Spend ten to fifteen minutes a day reading to your children and change their lives drastically for the better. But, how do we go about it exactly?
Aug 12, 2017

Middle East Reading List for Catholic Homeschoolers

The Middle East is not only an interesting study, it's an important study. We've put together a reading list for you that includes fiction and nonfiction for students of multiple ages.
Jun 29, 2017

Can I Be a WAHM and Homeschool?

As a homeschooler and full-time WAHM, I hope I can share my own experience to help other moms in the same boat.
Nov 02, 2016

To Copy or Not to Copy: That is the Question

The more my friend justified making the copy for me, the more I realized that it was wrong. When I got home, I threw the dubbed tape away.
Oct 17, 2016

Finding Math in Literature

I majored in applied mathematics in college, yet it wasn’t until I became a homeschooling mother that I discovered math in literature. I’d like to help you to also discover how you can introduce living books into your homeschool and take a break from the drill, drill, drill.
Oct 10, 2016

Dad’s Role in Your Homeschool

When I first began homeschooling, I had a grandiose vision of my husband coming home from work to sit down with our children (all perfectly tidy in matching outfits, of course) while I prepared a nutritious dinner in my dress, pumps, and pearls, and he would teach them about the great mysteries of life.
Oct 05, 2016

The Ultimate Gift Guide for Homeschool Moms

Following is a long, long list of ideas to get you started. Gifts range from free (scroll all the way down) to pricey. So no matter your budget you can do this. The only other thing you need is time and desire.

Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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