
Maureen Wittmann Posts

May 13, 2013

Attaining the Necessary Skills for Success in College

In college, your student will encounter many new ideas and assumptions. We want to give your student the necessary tools to recognize and understand the worldviews they encounter and know-how to articulate their own beliefs effectively and convincingly.
Nov 09, 2011

Famous Homeschool Authors and YOU!

Don't ever think that because you are young that you cannot be published. The three authors mentioned are just a small example of young people who have achieved success in publishing.
Mar 18, 2011

Children’s Books Translated to Latin

There are a good number of children's books translated into Latin. From Dr. Seuss to Winnie the Pooh and beyond, you can put your Latin translation skills to use in a fun and engaging way.
Aug 05, 2010

Preparing a High School Transcript

Simple steps to prepare your homeschooled teen's transcript.
May 24, 2010

Seven Reasons to Learn Latin in Your Catholic Homeschool

Why is Latin important to learn in school? Here is a Top-7 list to help you discern if you'd like to add Latin to your studies.

Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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