Aquinas Writing Advantage
Get Online Writing Courses, Simplified—With Aquinas Writing Advantage
Give your middle and high school students LIVE and recorded courses – Taught by writing experts who are professional writers and editors, university instructors, published authors, screenwriters, and more!

And can your student name:
If not, then this is for you!
If you want your student to…
Get all the writing courses you need!
Whether your student struggles or excels, get every single writing course you need in a program that’s DIFFERENT from all other programs out there – to put your student ahead.
Get Writing Courses In…
Foundations of Composition
Beyond the 5-Paragraph Essay
Writing the Excellent Essay
Writing Form & Style
Vocabulary & Writing
Rhetoric & Figures of Speech
Poetry, short stories, comedy
Foundations of Journalism
Journalism & Business Writing
Advanced Rhetoric & Writing
The Hero’s Journey
How it’s different:
It’s all about mastery.
This program isn’t rote learning. And it’s not about copy work. It’s not even about using a workbook or grade-based “all in one” course. Because to learn to write well, it’s simply not enough to follow a workbook or “skip to writing essays.” You get writing mastery by mastering the steps (and parts) of writing—and learning to think clearly and critically as we learn to write.
It’s all about critical thinking.
It’s all about “short courses” that build on one another.
It’s tested and true.
It’s all laid out for you.
Want to Know Where Your Student Fits?
Get a personalized writing assessment with clear feedback on punctuation and grammar, essay skills, and more — and know your student’s writing strengths and weaknesses…

Frequently Asked Questions:
Aquinas Writing Advantage
Are there LIVE writing courses?
With Aquinas Writing Advantage, you can get dynamic LIVE online courses for your middle and high school students that are detailed and interactive — fully complete. Find out more about the LIVE courses here.
Are there self-paced (recorded) writing courses?
Every course is available for you in an easily accessed recorded format — with ALL the course materials laid out week by week — including teaching videos, readings, resources, assignments, and more. Find out more about the recorded courses here.
How do I know where to place my student? Is there a placement assessment?
For high school students, there’s an affordable, detailed assessment available here that can help you exactly know your student’s writing skills (and where to start, with courses). To find out how to check punctuation, grammar, essay writing, and more, visit the page here.
For middle school students, if you have a 7th or 8th grade student and you want to join the 7/8 course year, it is recommended that your student watches the 6/7 courses in recording, to make sure punctuation, grammar, English skills, and strong sentence writing skills are in place.
Why is writing taught separately from the literature (and history) courses?
If I’m coming from another writing program, can I switch to taking courses here?
Where does my student learn the writing skills that go with literary analysis?
Here, you can get a full year of in-depth literary analysis how-to’s with the 11-Series Fiction Writing and Creative Writing courses. These courses cover all that you need for college-level literary analysis and writing, including plot and structure, characters and dialogue, theme, style and point of view, conflict, the Hero’s Journey, and more. And advanced writing in screenwriting, poetry, and comedy writing are available, too. Find out more about the fiction writing courses that cover literary analysis in the catalog.
How much homework is in a course?
Homework varies for each course. Aside from the Punctuation and Grammar courses (that have self-grading quizzes), students learn writing by writing! Check out a time estimate for homework in each of the courses listed in the LIVE Course Catalog and the Recorded Course Catalog.
Are there textbook costs?
Many reading materials are FREE within the course — and if a book is required, the cost is usually between $15 to $30 (available on Amazon or other booksellers).
Find out more about your course’s book requirements in the LIVE catalog and Recorded course catalog.
Are there grades?
Yes — all assignments can be graded and kept for transcripts. Students have access to automatically-graded quizzes and written assignments that are assigned grades by either the parent or through an Instructor Access mentor and tutor. Parents can access Homeschool Connections’ free resources to keep track of grades, too.
Because students often “do better” with outside writing help — and writing is one of those subjects with “unique compositions” that need individualized feedback — “outside grading” with Instructor Access is always available for you.
Can I take Unlimited Access recorded courses and LIVE courses at the same time?
How do I know the prerequisites of a specific course?
At the Aquinas Writing Advantage website, each and every course is described in full. At the end of the website course pages, you’ll find specific course requirements.
Go to the website here, to find out more about specific courses and prerequisites, or visit the LIVE catalog or Recorded catalog for specifics.
Can I get one-on-one help?
Almost every writing course has Instructor Access available. Instructor Access is one-on-one, side-by-side help where your student uses Unlimited Access to view the course, submits his or her work to a professional writing teacher via email, and receives specific feedback and grades for the assignments. Learn more about Instructor Access.